Location-Dependent & Value Added Services (vas) for Mobile CommunicationsLocation-Dependent & Value Added Services (vas) for Mobile Communications
Sim-toolkits are introduced. Vas will focus on Location-Dependent applications based on real-time ss7 protocol analysis and cdr interpretation
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Benha University Faculty of Engineering- shoubra Electrical Engineering Department Second Year CommunicationsBenha University Faculty of Engineering- shoubra Electrical Engineering Department Second Year Communications
Which multiplexing techniques transmit analog signal and witch transmit digital signals?
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Driving Forces for m-commerce SuccessDriving Forces for m-commerce Success
We emphasize that the success of m-commerce relies on the synergy of three driving forces: technology innovation, evolution of a new value chain, and active customer demand
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Mit media Lab Stefan Marti mit media Lab running head: Active MessengerMit media Lab Stefan Marti mit media Lab running head: Active Messenger
Speech Interface Group at the mit media Lab. Stefan Marti is a research assistant with an interest in telecommunication intermediaries; he is a PhD candidate in the Speech Interface Group at the mit media Lab
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T h e o r e t I c a L / p h I l o s o p h I c a L p a p e r technological Presence: Actuality and PotentialityT h e o r e t I c a L / p h I l o s o p h I c a L p a p e r technological Presence: Actuality and Potentiality
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink com
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